C# String Examples
String initialization 🔗
string s1 = "hello";
string s2 = null;
string s3 = new String('a', 6);
// result will be the string "aaaaaa"
string s4 =
new String(
new char[]{'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'});
var s5 = String.Empty;
if (s5.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()){
Console.WriteLine([Empty String]);
Main methods of the String class:
- Compare,CompareOrdinal: compares two strings
- Contains: whether the substring is contained in the string
- Concat: concatenate strings
- CopyTo: copies to another line
- EndsWith: whether end of string matches substring
- Format: formats a string
- IndexOf: index of first occurrence
- Insert: inserts a substring into a string
- Join: joins array elements
- LastIndexOf: index of last occurrence
- Replace: replaces
- Split: splits into an array
- Substring: extracts a substring from a string
- ToLower: to lowercase
- ToUpper: upper case
- Trim: remove spaces
long number1 = 19876543210;
number1.ToString("+# (###) ###-##-##"));
// +1 (987) 654-32-10
$"{number1:+# ### ### ## ##}");
// +1 987 654 32 10
double number = 23.7;
stringresult =
String.Format("{0:C}", number);
All used formats: 🔗
- C / c currency format
- D / d Integer format
- E / e Exponential notation
- F / f Fixed-point decimal format
- G / g Specifies the shorter of the two formats: F or E
- N/n fixed-point decimal format
- p / p Specifies whether a percent sign is displayed next to a number
- X / x Hexadecimal number format
- ' Single quote -" double quote
- \ backslash
- \0 Null
- \a Warning -\b backspace
- \f Form feed
- \n Newline
- \r carriage return
- \t Horizontal tab
- \v Vertical tab
- \u (UTF-16) (0000 - FFFF; \u00E7 = “ç”)
- \U (UTF-32) ( 000000 - 10FFFF; \U0001F47D = “👽”)
- \x \xH[H][H][H] ( 0 - FFFF; \x00E7 or \x0E7 or \xE7 = “ç”)